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Co-financed by Greece and the European Union

LC/Q-TOF System

LC/Q-TOF System 

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Electronic nose

An electronic nose is an electronic detection device intended to detect odors or tastes. The term "electronic sensing" refers to the ability to replicate human senses using arrays of sensors and pattern recognition systems. Since 1982, research has been conducted to develop technologies, commonly referred to as electronic noses, that could detect and identify odors and tastes. The stages of the recognition process are similar to human olfaction and are performed for identification, comparison, quantification and other applications, including data storage and retrieval.

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


RAMAN spectrometer

RAMAN spectrometer

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy System

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy System

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy

In general, the infrared absorption spectrum is a fundamental property of every molecule and serves as a fingerprint of the compound and the configuration of its characteristic groups. Because the amount of absorbed energy is proportional to the concentration of the material to be measured, it is possible after calibration to calculate the concentration of a sample. This is done by comparing the intensity and width of a characteristic band with that of a spectrum containing a known concentration of the component in question, provided that the Lambert-Beer law holds.

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


LC MS/MS triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph

LC MS/MS triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph

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Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) System

Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) System

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Gas chromatographs with MS, FPD, FID and ECD detectors

Gas chromatographs with MS, FPD, FID and ECD detectors

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Gas chromatograph with FID, TCD and ECD detectors

Gas chromatograph with FID, TCD and ECD detectors

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectroscopy

Several instrument manufacturers offer gas chromatographs that can be directly coupled to fast-scanning mass spectrometers (MS). The principle of operation of mass spectrometry is based on the creation of ions (mainly positive) of a compound, their separation based on the ratio of mass to charge (m/z) and their recording. In this way it is possible to determine the molecular weight (MW) of the compound and how the various groups are connected to each other. Mass spectrometers consist of: the ionization chamber, where the compound is converted into ions, usually cations by the loss of an electron, the mass analyzer, where the ions are separated based on the m/z ratio, and the detector. The space where the ions are created and accelerated is kept in a high vacuum state. With the high vacuum, vapors of the substance to be determined are created at low heating temperatures without its decomposition, which are led to the ionization chamber. Its molecules and neutral decomposition products are also removed from the analysis area after each measurement. The analyzer consists of a tube in the shape of an arc, located inside a homogeneous magnetic field of high intensity (3000-4000 gauss) and in a direction perpendicular to the dynamic lines of the magnetic field. With two circular holes – diaphragms of variable radius at the beginning and end of the tube a part of the ions that are not focused in the center of the diaphragms are rejected. The most common way to ionize is by bombarding the gaseous molecules of the compound with an electron beam (EB). During the ionization of the compound with electrons, which is achieved by bombarding its molecules with a high-energy electron beam (usually 70 eV), a cationic radical, corresponding to the molecular ion, is created by the loss of an electron from part of the compound. These cationic radicals are initially accelerated by an electric field and then move through the magnetic field, where they are deflected and separated based on m/z. Other ways to form ions are: chemical ionization (CI), electric field application (FI), bombardment with fast neutral Xe or Ar atoms or Cs ions (FIB). The most common analyzers are: domain analyzer, quadrupole analyzer, ion trap, time-of-flight analyzer.

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Cold rooms (refrigerators, freezers and deep freezers)

Cold rooms (refrigerators, freezers and deep freezers)

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Brookfield viscometer

Brookfield viscometer

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Climate chamber

Climate chamber

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


High pressure homogenizer

High pressure homogenizer

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Ultrapure water production system

Ultrapure water production system

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Single-Phase Asymmetric Flow Field Chromatography System (AsFFF)

Single-Phase Asymmetric Flow Field Chromatography System (AsFFF) 

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


HPLC liquid chromatograph with PDA, RI and FLD detectors and post-column derivatization system

HPLC liquid chromatograph with PDA, RI and FLD detectors and post-column derivatization system

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Mass spectroscopy MALDI TOF (Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight)

In MALDI spectrometry (matrix laser desorption-ionization) protein ions are created and accelerated through an electric field. These ions travel through an acceleration tube, where the smaller ions travel faster and reach the detector first. Therefore, the time of flight (TOF) in the electric field is a parameter dependent on the mass or more precisely on the mass/charge ratio. Minimal quantities of biomolecules of a few picomoles (pmol) to femtomol (fmol) are needed for analysis. The resulting mass spectrum for the proteins under analysis varies between different microorganisms. For the final identification, a comparison is made with the spectra found in reference libraries.

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action


Near Infrared Spectroscopy

Infrared spectroscopy relies on the interaction of matter with infrared light. This interaction causes changes in the dipole moment of the molecule, which is studied by creating vibrations. These vibrations, which appear in an infrared spectrum, can give us the identity of the chemical elements present in the sample. Usually the absorption of light by the sample is measured with respect to frequency, which is expressed by the Beer-Lambert law.

Existing infrastructure used to implement the action